Exploring the Use of Cognitive Approach in Mitigating Unsafe Excreta Disposal in Turkana County, Kenya.

Kiptum, Andrew Rutto ; Moraa, Moturi Adelaide (2021)

We evaluated the influence of induced behavioural change on the community to adopt safe excreta disposal practices. This study was informed by unmerited programs which are majorly provided by most of the health organisations providing sanitary facilities rather than effective use which have failed to reduce the persistent occurrence of waterborne epidemics due to unsafe excreta disposal. Information sought in this survey was from two distinct populations of triggered and non triggered villages of Turkana County, Kenya. Purposive sampling was used in identifying triggered and non-triggered villages, while systematic random sampling was used to administer structured questionnaires to respondents from identified sample units. From analysed data, the results showed latrine users from triggered villages were many compared with non-triggered villages. Again, the variable of education level, which showed to be critical, suggesting to influence latrine use among rural communities irrespective of the triggers. The parameter estimator of public health extension services and information sharing means from the neighbourhood showed to be statistically significant in influencing adoption and diffusion of health knowledge. In conclusion, involving health experts in knowledge diffusion and scaling up formal education among communities influences the adoption of safe excreta disposal practices. The significance of random factor in the OLS model, explains omitted and/or unobserved variables and existences of unclearly explained variables, informs the need for further investigation

East African Journal of Health and Science


Andrew Kiptum 2021 AESS.pdf

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