ThesisThe conventional extension approach has achieved minimal success in dissemination and adoption of agricultural technologies. Notably, low adoption level has been experienced, which has led to low production and income levels to the smallholder farmers. The goal of the Community Agriculture Development Project in Semi-Arid Lands (CADSAL) in Kerio Valley was to increase agricultural productivity and revenue in the catchment area, therefore it used the Community Participatory Extension (CPE) method to do so. The goal of this research was to explore, describe and to ascertain the efficiency of CPE approach in dissemination and adoption of NERICA new technologies among smallholder farmers in the Kerio Valley of Elgeyo Marakwet County in Kenya. A survey methodology was used, with an ex-post Facto study design. The population consisted of 480 small-scale farmers who interacted with the project in Kerio valley locations. The sample frame of 80 CADSAL-Participants and 80 Non-CADSAL participants was chosen for the study purposively. Furthermore, the sample from both participants and non-participants was achieved through simple random sampling since each member in the group had equal chance of being a respondent. Personal interviews were used to present a standardized questionnaire to the respondents at their residences. The main dependent variables formulated for the study was effectiveness of Community participatory approaches in acquisition of knowledge and skills promoted by CADSAL project and adoption level of NERICA. The main independent variable was dissemination of NERICA rice technology promoted through CADSAL Community Participatory Technology Development (CPTD) and Community Initiated Project (CIP) extension approaches. The two approaches were operationalized to mean community participatory extension training approaches as compared with conventional training packages on selected CADSAL technologies, which included NERICA rice. Moderator variables was socioeconomic factors, such as respondents' age, education level, and gender, household income, CIP training, farm size, frequency of dissemination and attitude towards CADSAL technologies. Percentages, means, and standard deviations were calculated using descriptive statistics. Multiple linear regression and the t-test were utilized as inferential statistics. Hypotheses was tested at α = 0.05. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) Version 24.0. The results indicated positive adoption and dissemination level of technologies when community participatory extension approach is used compared to the convention extension methods. After analyzing the data, a t-test p-value of less than 0.05 was obtained, resulting in the rejection of all null hypotheses. This is therefore an indication that community extension approach had a positive influence to the adoption and dissemination of technologies. This implies that the community extension strategy was critical in increasing the amount of agricultural technology acceptance and dissemination, and that extension agents should use a participatory approach. Further study is recommended to determine the level of NERICA rice production in Kerio Valley.
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