Influence of Stakeholder Analysis on the Performance of Water and Sanitation Projects in Homabay County, Kenya

Ochieng, Harriet ; Onyango, Jacob (2019)

Water supply and sanitation are instrumental in the development of a community. Delays in completion of water projects in WSBs in Kenya are a common phenomenon. The main purpose of the study was assess the influence of stakeholder analysis on the performance of water and sanitation projects in Homabay County, Kenya. The study adopted resource based Theory. This study adopted the descriptive research design andtargeted respondents from Homabay Water and Sanitation Company Limited, county water officers, NGO technical officers and commercial and domestic users. The sample size of 274 was determined from the formula proposed by Yamane. This study employed purposive sampling for the specialized population and simple random sampling to select domestic and commercial users’ respondentsin selecting respondents. In this study questionnaires were administered to the sample chosen for the study and a pilot study was carried out in Uasin Gishu County to ascertain the validity and reliability of research instruments. The primary data collected was edited, coded, entered and checked for completeness and uniformity then analyzed through Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 as the most suitable analysis tool. Descriptive statistics including frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, percentages and Inferential statistics such as Multiple Regression analysis wereused to determine the relationship between the variables under investigation. The study findings indicated that was statistical significant influence of stakeholder analysis on the performance of water and sanitation projects in Homabay County, Kenya (p=0. 000<0.05). The study concluded that stakeholder analysis have an influence on performance of water and sanitation projects. The study recommends that there should be need to ensure that the resourceful persons like top management in the various water projects are involved in execution of citizenships projects.

International Journal of Strategic Management and Procurement (IJSMP)


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