Landau Criteria of Superfluidity of Two Component Mixture of Bosons

Namwetako, Jophine S. ; et. al... (2020)

Using the quasi-particle energy of a mixture of two-component gas of bosons which is assumed to be in a superfluid state, the Landau criterion for superfluidity has been applied to obtain the magnitude of the Landau’s critical velocity (Vc) below which the superfluid state can exist as stable state. Different combinations of bosons have been used to calculate Vc. It is found that, the magnitude of Vc increases with scattering length (a) and its magnitude is less than the velocity of sound (Vs) in superfluid liquid Helium (Vs=238m/s), and it varies roughly between 10.95m/s to 15.12m/s. The value of Landau critical velocity for superfluid Helium is of the order of 50m/s to 60m/s depending on the type of inter particle interaction assumed between the Helium atoms

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International Journal of Recent Research Aspects


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