The Role of TVET Managers in the Implementation of Real-Life Project-Based Learning for Competence Development of TVET Trainees in Uganda
ArticleReal-Life Project-Based Learning (RLPBL) has long been used especially in developing countries. Various results of RLPBL related studies have also been found to be effective and have a positive impact on trainees. The purpose of this study sought to determine the capabilities of TVET Trainers regarding the implementation of real-life project-based learning for competence development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) trainees in Uganda. The study aimed at finding out the ideal TVET Trainer abilities for implementing Competence Based Education & Training (CBET) in Uganda. The study adopted the descriptive survey design with a mixed methods approach. The sample size of 488 study participants included TVET trainers, heads of institutions and Ministry of Education & Sports officials and trainees. Qualitative sampling and simple random sampling techniques were employed; data collection was carried out using questionnaires, interview schedule, observation checklist and a Focus Group Discussion Guide. The data were presented in form of tables employing the use of frequency distribution and percentages and the data was analysed using descriptive statistics with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study revealed the roles of TVET Managers included initiating mobilization of resources including personnel, funds and training materials, planning, directing and coordinating the implementation of real-life project, guiding trainers on the best real-life training strategies, and motivating the trainers morally and materially in addition to monitoring, support supervision and assessing real life projects. It was recommended that they also deal with the labour information management system with required data of trainees and graduates, to tracer studies to reveal where the TVET graduates are and what they are doing as their major roles
- Journal Articles [24]
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- Turyatemba Eddy.pdf
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