Effects of Management Curriculum on the Implementation of TPAD Policy in Public Secondary Schools in Trans Nzoia County
ArticleAims: The major purpose of this study was to assess the effect of management of curriculum on the implementation of TPAD Policy. Study Design: The study utilized the concurrent triangulation design. Place and Duration of Study: The study was undertaken in in Public Secondary Schools in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya between January 2020 to April 2020. Methodology: Stratified and simple random sampling was used to sample 280 respondents. The study included 280 respondents of which 152 were males and 128 females with an age range of 35 – 56 years. Results: This study targeted 242 Principals and teachers, who were associated with secondary schools. From the total sample size of 285, 98.2% representing 280 questionnaires for trainers were positively responded to the case request. Findings from the linear regression model, (R2 = .021) indicated that management of curriculum account for 2.1% variation in implementation of TPAD policy. There was a positive significant effect of management of curriculum (β4 = 0.094, P< 0.001) on implementation of TPAD policy. Conclusion: The present study rejected the null hypothesis and concludes that the relationship is statistically significant. The sample data support the notion that the relationship between the Original Research Article independent variable and dependent variable exists in the population of public secondary schools in Transnzoia Kenya. Thus the hypothesis (Ho1) was rejected. This implies that effective management of curriculum influence implementation of TPAD
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