Journal Articles
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The Influence of Students’ Emotions on the Acquisition of English-SpeakingSkills Among Secondary School Students in Homa Bay County, Kenya
(Journal of Research in Education and Technology, 2024-10)Language learning is a part of the psychological process because it is based on learner’s individual difference. Speaking skills allow individuals to speak comfortably to each other. It provides us with the ability to ... -
Effects of the Relevance of Workshop Facilities to Syllabi on the Utilization of Workshop Facilities in Teaching in Public TVET Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya.
(African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST, 2024-10)One of the objectives of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is to impart adequate and appropriate skills to trainees, consistent with the emerging technologies at all levels of the economy. However, ... -
Challenges Faced in the Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Junior Schools in Kenya
(East African Journal of Education Studies, 2024)This study explores the challenges encountered in implementing the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in junior schools in Kenya, which aims to shift educational focus from rote memorization to the development of ... -
Teacher Attitude towards the Implementation of Programme of Pastoral Instruction.
(Human Resource Management Academic Research Society, 2021-03)Programme of Pastoral Instruction (PPI) is perceived as an easy subject needing little teaching because it is a mere extension of church services and the Bible. This leads to a negative attitude towards the subject. The ... -
(Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2023-07)The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher's competencies, knowledge, and skills in planning for instruction in primary schools in the Nandi South district. The purpose of this study was to establish primary ... -
Influence of Computer-Based Laboratory Simulations (CBLS) as a teaching Method on Secondary Schools Students' Attitudes and Performance towards Chemistry in Bomet County
(Journal of Research in Education and Technology, 2023-07)Chemistry education in secondary schools is a critical component of fostering scientific literacy and equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary for their academic and future career pursuits as well as ... -
The Place of Critical Thinking in Physics Instruction
(Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education, 2023-06)The teaching of critical thinking is paramount in physics instruction, it is achieved through acquisition of critical thinking skills by learners. Consequently, teachers of physics ought to employ instructional strategies ... -
Influence of the Mode of Training on the Level of Satisfaction of Marine Engineering TVET Graduates from the Coastal Region of Kenya
(Journal of Technology & Socio-Economic Development, 2023-09)The Government of Kenya has instituted rapid and far reaching reforms in the TVET sector since 2010. Recently; expansion of the marine sector has created a demand for increased manpower in the field of marine engineering. ... -
Instructional Methods Used in Competency-Based Education and Training in National Polytechnics in Kenya's Nyanza region
(International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 2022-10)The purpose of the study was to examine which instructional methods are used in Competency-Based Education and Training in National Polytechnics in Kenya's Nyanza region.The study adopted descriptive research design. The ... -
Efficacy of Teaching Chemistry with Computer-Based Laboratory Simulations (CBLs) as Opposed to Traditional Methods in Acquisition of Scientific Inquiry Skills in Bomet County
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2023)The aim of this research was to examine the efficacy of teaching chemistry with computer-based laboratory simulations (CBLs) as opposed to conventional methods for acquiring scientific inquiry skills in Bomet County. ... -
Influence of School Closure on the Adoption of Digital Learning of English Language in Kapseret Subcounty, Kenya
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2023)From time to time, school calendars have suffered disruptions due to a myriad of crises. Recently, COVID-19 led to abrupt and indefinite closure of schools globally forcing most governments and schools to embrace digital ... -
Research Proposal and Thesis/Dissertation Writing Course in Modern Higher Education, an Emerging Issue in Sustainable Development in the Modern World
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2023)Research and innovation, if properly conducted, are supposedly the spurs/catalysts and/or the basis for initiating and conducting sustainable development in modern society. They have, as well as they do provide and carry ... -
Testing Speaking Skills Through Writing and Learners’ Speaking Competence in Selected Secondary Schools in Wareng’ Sub - County Uasin Gishu County , Kenya
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2023)At the end of the secondary English course, all students are expected to have acquired a significant command of English in spoken form to enable them to communicate confidently and competently in all sorts of discourse. ... -
Food Insecurity among University Students in Kenya: An Analysis of Associated Factors
(Hill Publishing, 2023-07)The realities of a shrinking economy in Kenya, reduced government financial support to universities, effects of inflation and the outbreak of COVID-19 pan-demic have exposed university students to hardships including food ... -
The Enrolment Trends of Teacher Trainees in ECDE Colleges in Keiyo North and South Sub-Counties
(Journal of Education, 2020-07)There is a continuous documented trend of low enrolments of teacher trainees in the Early Childhood Education Colleges in Kenya and these low enrolments continue to increase with the years. The purpose of the study was to ... -
The Availability of Live Specimen in the Teaching and Learning of Biology in Secondary Schools in Nandi South Sub County in Kenya
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2022)Effective teaching of Biology entails the use of live specimen in order to facilitate the learning and application of science process skills in and outside the classroom. In Kenya, teaching of Biology has been found ... -
TVET Response to Global Challenges of Sustainable Development
(TVET response, global challenges, sustainable development, 2022)The concept of sustainable development is central to the future of humanity. Since any meaningful change in society, environment or economy can only be driven by and through education, then Technical and Vocational ... -
(THE KENYA JOURNAL OF TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING, 2021)This article examined the extent to which Technical and Vocational and Education and Training (TVET) curriculum in Kenya integrate Whole Youth Development (WYD) skills in their training. The study analysed how ... -
Manifestations of boys’ under participation in education in Kenya: the case of Busia and Kirinyaga counties
(Routledge, 2021)There has been a growing concern in Kenya that boys have gradually been left out of the gender equation with little research capturing their schooling experiences. When examined, boys’ underachievement is treated with ... -
Trainees’ Perception on the CBET Curriculum in Kenya: The Case of TVET Institutions in Coast Region
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2020)A considerable number of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) trainees released for the market are characterized by incompetence as they cannot exhibit behavior commensurate with the aspects of learning ...