Trainers’ Perception of the Teaching and Learning Approaches used for Competence Development in the Technical Vocational Education and Training institutions in Uganda.
ArticleThe purpose of the study was to examine trainers’ perception of the teaching and learning approaches used for competence development in the TVET institutions in Uganda. Understanding trainers’ perceptions about the way teaching and learning is conducted has implications for the quality of training because it influences trainers’ motivation, informs course designs and helps to develop faculty trainer development programs. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study targeted trainers (lecturers, technicians and instructors from the major TVET institutions in Uganda. The researchers constructed a questionnaire which was used to gather data, which was later analyzed using SPSS. Results indicated that most trainers were satisfied with the training organization and agreed that the tasks and assignments were adequate for learning. However, majority noted that they are not well motivated, there were delays in provision of timely feedback to the learners, and that the instructional equipment and materials were inadequate for training and learning. The study concluded that it’s important for all aspects which impact on the quality of teaching and learning to be available for competence development. The study recommended that TVET institutions should lobby the government for more funds to enhance trainers’ salaries and wages as a way of motivating them; increased budget for TVET institutions to enable them purchase the latest training equipment and materials; and that TVET institution administrators control the quality of training by establishing quality assurance offices to coordinate all levels of TVET training. ---------------------------------------------------
- Journal Articles [24]
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- dennis kintu.2.pdf
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