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Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Physico-chemical, and Functional Properties of Irish Potato Tubers and flours is Dose and Varietal Dependent
(African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST), 2024-10)Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a globally significant food crop, serving as a staple for many populations and contributing to food security. Gamma irradiation has emerged as a promising postharvest technology to ... -
The Effects of Sheng’ Vocabulary Usage in the Learning of Kiswahili Grammar in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya
(Journal of Education and Practice, 2024-08)Purpose: Sheng’ is a linguistic code based primarily on the Kiswahili structure and grammar with the lexicon drawn from Kiswahili, English and the various ethnic languages of Kenya; that are mostly spoken in towns and ... -
Effectiveness of Psychosocial Intervention to School Refusal Behavior among Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Keiyo North Sub-County, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
(African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST), 2024-10)Despite the many efforts by parents, teachers, and counselors to curb school refusal behavior, there is much evidence that the problem has persisted from times immemorial. The objective of the study was to determine ... -
Medicinal uses and pharmacological activity of Ximenia americana L. - A systematic review
(African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST, 2024-10)Medicinal plants have traditionally been used as remedies for various ailments. Ximenia americana which belongs to the Olacaceae family is one of the plants used in traditional medicine in Africa. However, it is facing ... -
Psychosocial Intervention Strategies for Stress Management among Student Mothers in Kenyan Public Secondary Schools in Kimilili Sub-County, Bungoma County, Kenya
(African Journal of Education Science and Technology (AJEST, 2024-10)Teenage pregnancy is a significant international concern, with the lack of family support affecting the emotional well-being of pregnant teenagers and their babies, thus reducing the likelihood of student mothers returning ...