Declining Urban Green Spaces: A case of Kisumu and Eldoret Towns of Kenya

Kiplagat, Andrew (2021-03)

With the rising urban populaƟon and subsequent growth in the size of urban areas, the importance of green spaces in urban areas now and in the future can hardly be overemphasized. Green spaces, including gardens, parks, street trees and other 'natural' vegetaƟon covering urban areas (Wilkerson et. Al. 2018), provide criƟcal ecosystem benefits to urban residents including water flow regulaƟon, runoff miƟgaƟonon, urban temperature regulaƟon, noise reducƟon, air purificaƟon moderaƟon of environmental extremes, waste treatment, climate regulaƟon,pollin aƟon and seed dispersal, recreaƟon and cognite development, and animal habitat.However, many African ciƟes risk missing these benefits due to the alarming rate at which urban green spaces are declining (Mensah 2014). In a bid to contribute in amelioraƟng this situaƟon a research study which actually underpins this policy brief, was undertaken in 2018 in Kisumu and Eldoret towns to determine factors afecƟng availability of urban green spaces.

Mpiga chapa
Directorate of Research and Innovation, University of Eldoret.


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