ThesisPhysical Education is of vital importance as it contributes to improved fitness levels as well as in the children’s physical, social and mental development. The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges that hinder implementation of Physical Education instruction in public primary schools in Nyamira South Sub-County. Teacher’s attitude, teacher’s training, learner’s gender, and learner’s age, formed the core of investigations. The study was guided by Gross’s curriculum Implementation theory. Data was collected using the revised questionnaire. Out of 278 teacher questionnaires sent to the field, a total of 249 usable questionnaires were returned. This corresponded to a response rate of 89.6%. In addition PE observations were successfully made in the six zones of the sub-county. Both stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to get a sample of 278 public primary school teachers. In this study the descriptive survey research design was used. The study used two data collection instruments: the questionnaire and observation checklist. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data. Frequencies and percentage were used to summarize teacher’s back ground characteristics. Mean and standard deviations were used to describe prevailing levels of teacher training in PE, teacher attitude towards PE, learner gender and learner age towards PE. Thematic analysis was employed in analyzing recurrent themes emanating from PE lesson observations. The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 20) was used in the analysis of data. The results showed that most of the teachers teaching PE in Nyamira south- Sub County are females. Most teachers had certificate qualifications and their knowledge and skills were acquired in college, therefore teacher training was not a hindrance to implementation of PE. The issue of PE kits was a serious let down to PE implementation, girls shied away from PE when attending their periods. Despite all schools having in place a timetable for guiding PE instruction, observation reveal that lack of prerequisite facilities, PE gear and poor state of the field among others are challenges to PE implementation. The study recommends among others that the government through the ministry of education to make PE examinable, proper PE kits should be provided during PE instruction, sensitization programs that can be directed to address negative attitude. The study recommends that similar studies should be replicated in public primary schools in other sub-county so as to improve external validity of the findings. Future studies should consider using synthetic approach that would treat the issue of challenges to implementation of PE instruction for a holistic perspective. The knowledge gained from the study will help stakeholders, parents, pupils and school personnel to make informed decisions concerning physical education.
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