Relationship between Provision of Teaching and Learning Facilities and Human Capital Development in Secondary and Tertiary Learning Institutions in Murang’a County

Muya, James ; Omagwa, Priscilla ; Wambati, Merit (2019)

With the introduction of Constituency Development Funds (CDF) in Kenya in the year 2003, it was expected that every constituency would set aside a considerable amount of money from the kitty to finance education in the respective public schools hence improve the enrolment and standards. The funds were expected to be used to provide bursaries to students from needy backgrounds that would otherwise not access education. In addition, physical facilities like science laboratories, classrooms and libraries needed to be constructed and equipped to ensure high enrolment. However, many schools still lack basic teaching and learning facilities despite having received CDF over the years. Therefore, the study was designed to establish the effect of the provision of teaching and learning facilities on Human Capital Development in secondary and tertiary learning institutions in Murang’a County. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The theoretical foundation was based on Stakeholders’ Theory and Theory of Fiscal Federalism.The research determined that CDF has fostered access to learning materials within schools and colleges. In turn, these learning materials have boosted the development of human capital in these institutions. Therefore, it was recommended that the CDF committee needs to ensure that the funds serve their objective for ensuring enhanced learning and educational programmes. The committees should make follow-ups on dispersed funds for developments in the schools and colleges to ensure that school infrastructure and learning conditions are improved in these institutions.

Mpiga chapa
Kenya.International Journals of Academics & Research


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