Status of teacher adequacy in public Early Childhood Development Education Centres in Nandi County, Kenya
ArticleThe purpose of this study was to examine the Status of teacher adequacy in public Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) centres in Nandi County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey design using mixed methodology and pragmatism paradigm. The target population comprised of 1387 pre-school teachers, 1 county Director of ECDE, 6 Sub-County ECDE Directors and 651 primary school head teachers. A sample size of 301 teachers and 208 head teachers was obtained. Stratified and simple random sampling was used to select teachers and headteachers while purposive sampling was used in selecting the county director of ECDE and 6 Sub-County ECDE Directors. Questionnaire and interview schedules were used for collecting data for the study. Validity and reliability of the instruments were determined before data collection. Quantitative data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages while content analysis was used to analyze qualitative information. The study found out that majority of the pre schools in the study area lacked adequate pre-school teachers, textbooks and play materials. Majority (72.0%) of the employed pre-school teachers had undergone pre school teacher training courses therefore they had adequate and current pedagogical skills which allowed them to effectively handle pre-school learners. Majority of the pre-schools lacked adequate teaching and learning materials. The study recommended that there is need for employment of more trained pre-school teachers by the county government to improve learning. This is attributed to the fact that there were inadequate trained pre school teachers employed by the county government yet early childhood education is a devolved function.
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