Assessment of French Beans Production at Kariua in Kandara, Murang’a County-Kenya

Mwangi, Patrick ; Otieno, Argwings ; Anapapa, Ayubu (2019)

A sample survey research was conducted in November 2017 to January 2018 at Kariua area in Murang’a county, Kenya, with a sole aim to assess the current situation experienced by the French bean farmers in the area as well as form basis for further research, in which 43 farmers were interviewed. The parameters of interest were the average input levels of various factors (manure, fertilizersand water), average spacing of the cropsin the field, the average output of the beans, the general plants’ health-all these were per crop point, land sizesunder French beans cultivation as well as the demographic factorslike age, gender andfamily size. The questionnaire was the main data collecting tool. Analysis of the data collected was carried out using both descriptive and inferential statistics: Using both R software and Ms-Excel. The results showed that farmers are experiencing very low yields at peak on average and poor plant health (harvest=13.4g, infected leaves= 8 andimmature pods= 15, all per crop point). Average land sizeunder French beans farming, D.A.Pand C.A.N fertilizersapplied, manures applied, crop spacing andwaterfor irrigation were found to be approximately 79.80 m2, 4.75 decigrams, 2.49 decigrams, 24.69 grams, 9.81 cm by 27 cm and4.38 litresrespectively. Low yields and poor crop health, scarce resources, pests, infections, diseases and intercropping and were also evident in the region.Original Research Article

Mpiga chapa
Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics


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